Science in the headlines.
News Coverage of Kayla Iacovino’s Research and Discoveries

Only a Rumbling Volcano Could Make North Korea and the West Play Nice
By Nicholas St. Fleur
Dec. 9, 2016
More articles about Kayla’s research
“Volcano research flows from North Korea“, Physics Today cover story
“We mochten overal foto’s maken“, de Volkskrant newspaper [The Netherlands]
“Paektu-Ausbruch hatte doch Klimaauswirkungen“, Deutschlandfunk [Germany]
New Partners Keep Watch Over North Korean Volcano, AAAS
Sizing Up a Slumbering Giant, Science Magazine
Will North Korea Erupt?, Slate
On Conducting Science Atop a Volcano in North Korea, Smithsonian Magazine
How British Scientists Got Inside North Korea to Study a Volcano, WIRED
Media Appearances
Television Interviews
1-hour interview with Česká Televize Hyde Park Civilizace
[Czech Republic National TV; English version] (2018)
“Arizona National Guard assisting in Hawaii volcano emergency“
ABC15 News Phoenix (2018)
Radio and Podcast Interviews
“TTE 02 Kayla Iacovino“
The Thought Exchange podcast
“#108 Storytelling for science“
Mini Geology Video Podcast
““These are really big questions that right now no one could really answer”
An interview with Kayla Iacovino“
AGU StoryCorps Archive
“AFO 2018: Volcanoes, Star Trek and stories from the ocean:
Interview with volcanologist and trekkie Kayla Iacovino“
Radio Wave – Český rozhlas
“North Korean Volcano Provides Rare Chance For Scientific Collaboration“
NPR Morning Edition
“Seismology and Mt. Baekdu: Science Diplomacy in North Korea“
Korea Economic Institute of America Podcast
“Kayla Iacovino: volcanoes and North Korea“
Radio New Zealand
“World’s Largest Volcano Discovered on Pacific Seafloor
NPR Science Friday
“Exploring Science at the End of the Earth“
NPR Science Friday
“A Visit To Antarctica“
NPR Science Friday